Thursday 18 December 2008

Day 11

Watching stars (or seeing stars!!)

Our neighbours

Had a lovely meal at 'Spice' last night which is Asian (chinese, vietnamese, japenese). At the beach early today on a double lounger. I finished my second book!! (what's that all about, never been done before). They got a little collection (library) of books on a stand by the pool which is handy. Here are some photos.


kim perry said...

Dont quite know what is happening I am sending comments but i dont know whether you are getting them.
Anyway i am enjoying your blog, the place looks beautiful!
So glad you are both having such a good time.
Lots of love kim xxx

Kim's site said...

Yes, I'm receiving them Kim. If you click on the pencil sign at the end of each log, you will see if there are any comments. Once you click on this you will be able to read any replies. Love you. x